Imagine a new structure, tactic or form for the ‘use’ of the earth or living ‘with’ the earth. Execute it.
politics, everything has to do with politics, even when we dont mean to. even if we explicit say that it isnt political, then it is a politic statement. but its not the same as the statements that our "rulers" make. its all about how we are going to be perceived and about how we WANT to be perceived. at least thats what i picked up. i noticed that people (including me) are always thinking about how other people will see them, even when they say that they dont care, thats what they want that people think about them. but the fun thing about this is, you dont know what people think about you and you never will. they can say their thoughts, but you dont know if they speak the truth. and you will never get to know that. people worry so much about how others will perceive them but they will never get to know how they will be perceived. so why bother to care?